What is Hybrid Typing: Exploring Modern Typing Trends

Hybrid typing wasn’t something I’d heard of up to quite recently.

After looking into it I realized that I am, in fact, a hybrid typist.

And you probably are too.

But you’ll know for certain by the time you finish reading this blog post.

So what exactly is hybrid typing?

Hybrid typing is a non-traditional way of entering text into a keyboard that uses a mashup of structured typing, where your fingers rest on specific keys, and the 2-fingered typing approach used by most computer users.

The fundamentals of hybrid typing

Hybrid typing refers to a typing method that combines the best parts of touch typing and the hunt-and-peck typing method used by the average computer user. 

Touch typing teaches you to keep your fingers resting over the “home” row of keys so that you can type without ever looking at the screen.

The hunt-and-peck method of typing means that you’re kind of touch typing but you’ll also glance down at your keyboard from time to time.

Sometimes these checks are to make sure your fingers are all still where they should be, or maybe you’re looking for a character you don’t often use.

Some hybrid typists use just 2 fingers, while others use up to 5 or 6 fingers – obviously spread between both hands.

Or you have more fingers than the average person.

Who uses hybrid typing?

Hybrid typing is typically used by people who have some proficiency or skill with touch typing but may not be fully confident in their accuracy or speed.

Static Typing vs. Dynamic typing

There are also two variants of hybrid typing that you might not have been aware of until right now.

Static typing

This is when you hold your fingers in the standard position for touch typing, but still occasionally look down at the keyboard to run a visual check on where your fingers are placed.

So your hands use the standard touch typing layout but you mix it up a bit.

Dynamic typing

Dynamic hybrid typists don’t conform to any hand or finger layout structure at all – they simply type in whatever way makes them feel most comfortable.

There simply is no structure.

And that might include some small element of touch typing but it might not.

Why hybrid typing is popular.

One word – flexibility.

Hybrid typing allows typists to adapt their typing style to their personal preferences or requirements, including any physical adjustments they need to make.

This flexibility in typing styles allows individuals to choose the method that works best for them, leading to increased comfort and efficiency while typing.


The funny thing about researching this article is that I had no way to describe my specific style of typing.

I could never get used to the formal finger layout required for touch typists, yet I can touch type. But I always felt like I was cheating if I glanced at my keyboard for even a split second.

Turns out that’s not the case – I’m just a hybrid typist.

This actually makes sense because I learned how to type playing Quake 2 matches into the wee hours of the morning.

And to be honest, I think most people these days are hybrid typists – they just don’t know it.


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